Wed, 21 Feb 2018 19:16:51 -0800
Great Batch of Rye IPA...
This batch of my Rye IPA, Plague of Kali, came out great, nice colour, lovely aroma of Nelson-Sauvin and slightly spice taste of rye. Probably my best batch yet of this recipe, even better than the batch that won the NOBC award, IMNSHO!
kelly jacklin
Sat, 20 Jan 2018 08:36:13 -0800
Zymatic batch of Rye IPA...
I've spent the last couple of months furiously brewing PicoPaks on my new Pico C brewing appliance, because of a time-limited unlimited subscription to PicoPaks. It's been a ton of fun, and I've brewed a large variety of brews, some far outside of my comfort zone as a brewer. While it has been a ton of fun, from a brewer's perspective, it's not nearly as satisfying as brewing my own recipes with my own ingredients.
kelly jacklin
Mon, 26 Dec 2016 09:05:00 -0800
You Say Boxing Day...
You say Boxing Day, I say bottling day! I was overdue on my IPA, it has nine days on dry-hops, but what with xmas and all, this was the first chance I had...
kelly jacklin
Sat, 17 Dec 2016 16:21:00 -0800
Racked Rye IPA to Secondary
Today the fermentation on my latest batch of Plague of Kali had subsided, so I decided to rack to secondary and begin dry-hopping. I'm using a new 5-gallon carboy, and I had about a half-gallon space left over after transferring. Specific gravity was 1.017+, so we still have a couple points more to ferment down before it is done. Regardless, I shouldn't keep it more than 7 days on the dry hops, so ready or not, I'm bottling next weekend.
kelly jacklin
Sun, 11 Dec 2016 17:10:00 -0800
Brew-day: Another Plague of Kali Batch...
It's brew day again! I was getting low on my Plague of Kali Rya IPA, so I decided to brew a new batch. My ESB is still sitting in primary fermenter, doing its diacetyl rest, but I have 2 more carboys, so I can do some batches in parallel.
kelly jacklin
Sat, 19 Nov 2016 15:23:00 -0800
National Organic Brewing Competition Results!
My "Mad Zack's Plague of Kali" Rye IPA brew got first place in the "American IPA" category in the 2016 National Organic Brewing Competition!
kelly jacklin
Wed, 17 Aug 2016 18:30:00 -0800
Racked IPA to Secondary
Racked my IPA to secondary fermentation... Tasted it along the way: yum! And I haven't even dry-hopped yet!
kelly jacklin
Thu, 11 Aug 2016 08:05:00 -0800
Brew Activity Charting
Overnight brew activity... Note how specific gravity (SG, the light green line) has gone down from original gravity (OG) of 1.062 to 1.035 in less than 18 hours! That's some vigourous fermentation! Those little yeasties are munching their way through my fermentable sugars and farting out alcohol like nobodies business!
kelly jacklin
Wed, 10 Aug 2016 17:29:00 -0800
Another Plague of Kali Batch
Started another batch of Plague of Kali Rye IPA...
kelly jacklin
Sun, 19 Jun 2016 14:32:00 -0800
Labelling my Beer
Labelling for my "Plague of Kali" Rye IPA, and my "Black Death" oatmeal stout. Used milk for the label glue, and old brewer's trick.
kelly jacklin
Wed, 15 Jun 2016 20:16:00 -0800
Plague of Kali Tasting
My "Plague of Kali" rye IPA, after sufficient bottle conditioning. The yeast did a great job on this one! A nice firm head, awesome fruity nose (kinda reminiscent of Muscat grapes, but more herby), fresh hoppy first taste, with medium body and a good mouth feel, and lingering hops after-taste. This one is like night and day compared to my previous (extract) brews, I think I'm sold on all-grain brewing!
kelly jacklin
Sat, 04 Jun 2016 18:57:00 -0800
Plague of Kali Bottling
Yum! If I can be so immodest, I nailed this one! Lovely hop aroma, but not overly bitter.
kelly jacklin
Sat, 28 May 2016 13:07:00 -0800
Busy Brewing Day
Busy day brewing: bottled my oatmeal stout (Mad Zack's Black Death) and racked my IPA (Plague of Kali) to secondary and dry-hopped it. Kitchen smells wonderful!
kelly jacklin
Mon, 23 May 2016 17:55:00 -0800
First All-Grain Brew
My first all-grain, mashed brew... A (very!) pale rye IPA, basically a blonde...
kelly jacklin
Sat, 30 Apr 2016 17:30:00 -0800
Scourge of Kali Labels
Labels for my "Scourge of Kali" IPA.
kelly jacklin
Thu, 21 Apr 2016 19:32:00 -0800
First India Pale Ale
Yum! It may not look like an IPA (more of an India Amber Ale?), but my third batch came out pretty good, if I do say so... Strong hops and rich malty taste.
kelly jacklin
Thu, 07 Apr 2016 18:10:00 -0800
Dry-hopped my third batch tonight, adding 2 oz New Zealand Cascade (a very nice hops, beautiful aroma!). That layer on top is hops, not krausen.
kelly jacklin
Sat, 26 Mar 2016 20:24:00 -0800
Brewed IPA Right Before Easter
Just brewed my third batch, an IPA this time.
kelly jacklin