Sat, 10 Feb 2018 14:03:05 -0800
PicoBrew Z...
Those wacky PicoBrew folks are at it again, innovating away.
kelly jacklin
Thu, 11 Aug 2016 08:05:00 -0800
Brew Activity Charting
Overnight brew activity... Note how specific gravity (SG, the light green line) has gone down from original gravity (OG) of 1.062 to 1.035 in less than 18 hours! That's some vigourous fermentation! Those little yeasties are munching their way through my fermentable sugars and farting out alcohol like nobodies business!
kelly jacklin
Wed, 10 Aug 2016 17:29:00 -0800
Another Plague of Kali Batch
Started another batch of Plague of Kali Rye IPA...
kelly jacklin
Sun, 05 Jun 2016 08:24:00 -0800
Electric Consumption on Bottling Day
Electrical consumption on bottling day at Mad Zack Brewing.
kelly jacklin
Tue, 17 May 2016 09:37:00 -0800
Video: Yes, I Am a Geek
Does the fact that I have a webcam to watch my brew bubble whilst at work make me a geek?
kelly jacklin