Sun, 03 May 2020 06:01:01 -0700
Gear Review: Anvil Foundry 10.5
I recently got a new piece of brewing kit, an electric BiaK (brew in a kettle) system from Anvil Brewing Supplies and Blichmann Engineering called the Foundry. I purchased the 10.5-gallon unit, capable of doing full-size 5-gallon batches or homebrew.
kelly jacklin
Sat, 20 Jan 2018 08:36:13 -0800
Zymatic batch of Rye IPA...
I've spent the last couple of months furiously brewing PicoPaks on my new Pico C brewing appliance, because of a time-limited unlimited subscription to PicoPaks. It's been a ton of fun, and I've brewed a large variety of brews, some far outside of my comfort zone as a brewer. While it has been a ton of fun, from a brewer's perspective, it's not nearly as satisfying as brewing my own recipes with my own ingredients.
kelly jacklin
Sun, 15 Jan 2017 16:45:00 -0800
Bottling Taupo Eruption...
The time has come to bottle my New Zealand hopped pale ale, Taupo Eruption.
kelly jacklin
Fri, 30 Dec 2016 19:27:00 -0800
Last Brew of the Year...
Just time for one last batch of beer before the new year...
kelly jacklin
Tue, 06 Dec 2016 11:10:00 -0800
My NOBC prize...
I picked up the prize I won for NOBC 2nd place: a brand new Spike Brewing 10g brew kettle. Looks like a good kettle, I'll have to give it a try this weekend!
kelly jacklin